Workshops by Deutsch+
Deutsch+ is a trusted partner of many schools in Indonesia to provide accurate information about university in Germany to their students. We hold these workshops regularly and update our workshop calendar through Instagram.
CV & Motivation Letter Writing Workshop
Students learned how to make their own CV & Motivation Letter in German through guidance from our Career & University Experts. At the end of the workshop, each participant had their own personalised CV and Motivation Letter that they can use
for their university and visa application.

School Workshops
Our Deutsch+ University Experts have been invited to hold workshops about the pathway to university in Germany at a lot of schools in Indonesia, such as : ACG School Jakarta, ACS Jakarta, Bina Bangsa School KJ & PIK, Binus School Simprug & Bekasi, Sekolah Pelita Harapan Kemang Village & Sentul City, Nasional High School, Tzu Chi School, and many more.